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RT-11 (CMX/GVG) Disk Utility

RT-11 was an early operating and file system that ran on DEC PDP architecture computers. These were used by important early editing systems including CMX and GVG SuperEdit. The EDLs from these systems were recorded on 5.5 inch and 3.5 inch "RT-11" format floppy disks.

WRT is a freeware utility by Jack Calaway for handling EDL files on CMX, GVG, and DOS disks on Windows PCs with floppy drives. It performs copying from disk to disk (single or groups, RT11 or DOS), file deletions, renames, RT11 squeeze (space recovery), and other operations. WRT may require Windows NT 4.0 and its installer may fail if the machine has no floppy drive.

WtccII is a time code calculator. WtccII installs and runs on systems as late as Windows 7

Both are included in WRT.ZIP file. These are old, no longer supported, and preserved for special purposes only. No support or warrantee is available or implied - you are on your own. If you are unfamiliar with these ancient technologies don't even think about it.


Jack Calaway (1937 - 2007)
Jack Calaway was a pioneer of early video editing technology. Calaway Engineering built advanced VTR machine control and timecode equipment and created the first PC-based linear editor. Software Systems / Sierra Madre went on the create many custom software applications for many customers.

Jack's Museum of Early Video Editing Equipment and Techniques is preserved online at Chris Booth's BBC vt site

Special thanks to Jack Calaway for all the software and video wisdom.