Set the current default TV Standard (30fps NTSC, 25fps PAL, or 24fps FILM) prompt for Importing Edls.
To set the start-up default, see Preferences.
In EdlMax, TV Standard (NTSC, PAL, and FILM) is synonymous with "Fps" (30, 25, and 24). When EdlMax is in "30fps NTSC" mode, the Drop Frame and Non-drop Frame timecode count-modes are used. Otherwise, only Non-drop Frame is applicable.
Nitpickers will note that the terms NTSC, PAL, and FILM are not the same things as 30fps, 25fps, and 24fps. "NTSC", "PAL", and "FILM" imply all the meanings of these video formats, such as horizontal and vertical resolutions, synchronization signals, and many other parameters. "30fps", "25fps", and "24fps" imply a "frame-rate". Yet these terms are often used casually to refer to the "play-speed" of a video or audio signal.
A more proper term for "TV Standard" is "count-modulus" - the aspect of Modular Arithmetic which states how a counting scheme "wraps around". For example, the count-modulus of a normal Non-drop Frame NTSC timecode is 30 - there are 30 increments to the count, starting at zero (0-29).
EdlMax retains the more common, if imprecise, terminology.