Importing an Edl

To import an Edl:

  1. From the File menu, click Open, or click the toolbar   button.

    A Windows file Open dialog appears.


  2. Navigate to the desired drive/folder and select a file with an .edl extension.

  3. Click Open to import the file.

    EdlMax prompts:


  4. In the drop-down box, select the frame-rate (NTSC, PAL, FILM) of the Edl that you're importing, then click OK.

    For some Edl formats, EdlMax may detect the incoming frame-rate from the incoming Edl. In this case it will automatically set the proper frame-rate, overriding the user selection.

    The Edl is opened and displayed in an Edl window. The bottom left corner indicates the frame-rate of the Edl.


TIP: The default prompt for the Edl Import TV Standard dialog can be set from the Options dialog (available when no documents are loaded).